In my opinion, a wedding ceremony should fit the couple. I’m happy to facilitate what you would like in your wedding ceremony. With a wealth of knowledge and resources available, I can assist with helping you create a unique wedding ceremony that reflects your and your soon-to-be spouse.
Want to include something beyond the vow exchange? Unity ceremonies are a great way to symbolize the bringing together of two individuals into one partnership. From using simple items like sand or salt to represent two becoming one in marriage, add-ons like these can symbolize your joining in marriage in an elegant and memorable way.
I’ve performed a variety of unity ceremonies throughout the years, such as:
- Sand ceremonies
- Salt covenant
- Handfasting
- Unity candles
- Rose ceremonies
- And more!
As I explain to couples, we can add anything in, we can take anything out of your ceremony. If you’d like to know more about these particular types of unity ceremony add-ons, feel free to contact me or mention it during our consultation!